Reflecto Classic

Reflecto Classic is the perfect solution for daily usage and protection of your homeopathic medicines.

It provides great protection in the Electrosmog we ar all living in.

Reflecto Classic

Reflecto Classic has a high degree of attenuation of electromagnetic energy. It is a soft, flexible and strong protection case build for carrying homeopathy medicines. The case has high resistance to external influences and good hygienic properties.

Test results of samples of the fabric of Reflecto Classic shows great attenuation rate for different frequency ranges from 40 to 70 dB. The fabric has screening ability when the waves are polarized parallel to the embedded metal strip over 60 dB (1 000 000 times).

If your homeopathic medicines are still not protected from the electromagnetic waves see how you can purchase Reflecto Classic.

Dimentions 120 x 70 x 15 mm (+/- 10 mm)
Temperatures -30°C to +70°C
Max. capacity for liquid medicines Up to 2 bottles
Max. capacity for non-liquid medicines Up to 5 packages
Color Black
Fabric textile base PES 83 dtex
Fabric metal thread 0.050 mm Cu & Sn
Attenuation (protective properties) at frequencies 0.03 GHz – 1 GHz 50-80 dB (99,999%-99,999999%)
Attenuation (protective properties) at frequencies 1 GHz – 18 GHz 30-60 dB (99,9%-99,9999%)